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Cloth Diaper Storage for Toddlers

Toddlers that are learning to use the potty require their own set of cloth diapering tricks. One of my favorites is how we store our diapers… in the bathroom!  For us, it’s the most convenient option so that we are prepared in the event of an accident, and oh boy do they happen!

This tip requires a vanity that has drawers, or the space to place a small drawer unit, like those you might buy for an office or craft area for organizing.

The idea is simple.  Toddlers are trying to use the potty, but they don’t always make it. Sometimes you need a fresh diaper, sometimes you want a pair of underpants, and there are times when you still need cloth wipes unexpectedly in the bathroom. Unfortunately, toilet paper doesn’t always cut it when it comes to toddlers – or accidents.

Toddler Diaper Storage

Here’s my set up, it’s super simple and works great for us.

  • Top drawer – Wipes (Top spot makes them easy to grab and wet as needed.)
  • Middle drawer – Underpants (They seem so much more important being closer to the top, right?! Well, it’s worth a shot anyhow.  If you haven’t hit the potty phase yet – be sure to stock up on underpants!)
  • Bottom drawer – Diapers!

That’s it!  If you would like to find some other storage ideas, check out this post on cloth diaper storage for some ideas outside of the bathroom.

Do you have a toddler learning to use the potty? What changes have you noticed in your routine?

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