Kids love Easter baskets, there is no way around it, but the things that go into them can make any parent cringe. To save resources, the earth and little teeth, these are our baskets and some tips!
Plan Ahead!
Save items that can be reused year after year, and you’ll save money and time too!
- Save baskets to reuse each year. A basket with their name drawn or embroidered on it will certainly be something special each year!
- Save “grass” to reuse again and again. I love the crinkle paper type, it looks great, lasts and comes in vibrant colors!
- Save plushies to reuse. Holiday specific stuffed animals have a short shelf life, after the novelty has worn off, tuck them away for next year!
- Save plastic eggs to reuse. I’m not in love with these things, but the kids sure are! I save eggs that our kids got at a hunt and have never needed to buy any!
Kids love snacks, but that doesn’t mean they have to be terrible for them (and their teeth)!
- When choosing candies, we like to stick to chocolate and other items that don’t stay in the mouth too long. I remember a dentist talking about how they are better choices because they are in contact with teeth for a shorter period than hard candies and it has always stuck with me.
- Think outside of the candy box! Chips, crackers and organic snack bars make great fillers that won’t leave them with an aching belly. Have a school aged child? These make special add-ins for their lunch in the coming week!
- Toys are up to you, but our kids have plenty to play with so we mostly choose to stick with consumables to cut down on clutter.
I’d like to thank my personal pal, the Easter Bunny, for inspiring this post, and of course his friends at Hershey’s who sent us a few fun treats from their Virtual Bunny Trail booth at Blissdom! Be sure to check out the site for more great ideas!
Extra Tip!
Kids love dying eggs, check out these great tips from Kaia Magazine and The Eco Chic, Calley (who you can see pictured with myself and the Easter Bunny). She gives great tips on how to dye eggs without harsh synthetic dyes using items you probably already have in your kitchen!
Earth Tones: Dye Eggs Naturally
What are your favorite Easter prep tips? Any great last-minute time savers?
I used boxes of candy as a baster. (ie. boxed M&Ms, licorish, etc) I taped 4 boxes together and made a square and inside I inserted a square foam and used kebob sticks and stuck them into the foam. I attached a easter themed rubber ducky, some candies and a chocolate bunny to the sticks.
These basket ideas are cute! I normally get my kids practical things for their baskets like clothes and/or shoes, with just a few snacks and candies.
Thanks so much for the tip about chocolate! It makes me feel less guilty for giving it to my kids!