Halloween is just weeks away. Lucky for all of us eco-conscious moms, that means there’s still time to choose green and fun ways to celebrate. You won’t have to overhaul every single Halloween tradition… but by taking a common sense approach, you’ll be able to reduce a great deal of the waste associated with this holiday. Here’s how:

Greener / Healthier Halloween Candy

Conventional candy can be loaded with sugar, GMOs, and dyes and chemicals… not to mention the piles of wrapper waste. Luckily there are some simple, sustainable alternatives to the sugar habit:

Eco-friendly Halloween Costumes & Face Paints

Dressing up is a big part of the fun. But who wants to breathe PVC from a plastic mask all night? DIY costumes aren’t just frugal, they’re usually safer than store bought… and much greener.

With these tips you can have a truly green Halloween! We’d love to hear the ways you’re greening up your Halloween traditions this year. Let us know in the comments or tell us on Facebook!


5 Responses

  1. I really like the tip about skipping on the plastic bucket. I remember back when I was a kid, there would be these plastic jackolanterns we would use to trick or treat. There would be no use for it after that one day, for sure! A reusable trick-or-treat bag is an awesome idea!

  2. Great tips about switching out the Halloween candy. We’ve been doing temporary tattoos….but I just realized: are those made with bad dyes? I’ve never really looked into the chemicals used for the temporary tattoos. Any personal recommendations of brands?

  3. I completely agree that we need to start making our homes more eco-friendly; I mean, isn’t that where we spend most of our time during the week? Another great idea is to, instead of buying expensive good quality Aeron office chairs, home offices should instead consist of refurbished ones from

    Beverly Hills Chairs .

    It’s definitely a great way to save money and materials while still getting great quality items for the home!