An Earth-Friendly Cat Litter That Works?

Our family always had cats while I was growing up, but somehow as an adult I landed firmly in the dog person category. I was happy with my dogs and that was that. Or so I thought.

If you’re a parent, you may be familiar with the experience of your child begging for a new pet — for us it was a cat. I put it off but this past winter we found ourselves face to face with a sweet kitten that needed a home. The humane society here can’t care for them all (spelling possible doom) and the no-kill shelter we were aware of was at capacity. Faced with no option we could live with we decided to foster the kitten until we knew what to do. As you may have already guessed, that lasted all of about 20 minutes.

As the new family to a kitten we set out to pick up the necessities. Food was easy. We’d done plenty of research into what to look for when seeking a quality food. What we didn’t expect to be so hard was finding a litter that didn’t make ourhome smell like a cat box.

The first litter we tried was unscented (because fragrances are NOT our thing and as we all now know, they often contain harmful toxins). No amount of cleaning seemed to make it not smell awful.

The second litter we tried was a pet store refill option. It too was no match for our 3ish month old kitten. She seemed to have a knack for wrecking a litter box and I was getting pretty fed up.

Tired of the smell, I went straight for a popular litter brand with the hopes that succumbing to their big name and traditional ways would yield results that would make me feel less terrible for purchasing a non eco-friendly litter. Unfortunately for our noses, even this litter was no match. Additionally we were stuck with bits of litter everywhere. Yuck!

When I was given the chance to try out World’s Best Cat Litter, via a sponsored post, I figured it was worth a shot. It’s more environmentally friendly (which is something we can all appreciate) and claims to actually work. While I admittedly have little to do with the litter box (conditions agreed upon by the kids for us to keep the cat) I can happily report that our home no longer has any hint of litter box and I couldn’t be happier. In fact, even being in the laundry room (where the box is located) gives no indication that a box is nearby. Given how awful our first three litters were, this sounds impossible, but it actually works. Additionally, I don’t notice dust on the floor.

Our son, Ethan offered to share his thoughts on actually using the product:

“The new litter we use instead of the old one is better because it contains the smell better and it is cleaner and easier to use. It’s easier to use in a way because it sticks to the poo better and doesn’t fall off when you put it in the bag.”

I think it’s adorable that he is concerned with the amount of product we use. I’m not sure if it’s because he has to add to it more often or because he’s learning that there is a price on the products we use. My wishful thinking would like to believe it’s the latter.

What makes World’s Best Cat Litter™ different?


World’s Best is made of 100% naturally absorbent, whole-kernel corn. I have no idea how it works or why, all I know is that it does. It’s quick clumping and easy to scoop, plus as I already mentioned it’s virtually dust free (99%). It’s also flushable and septic safe (which is huge for us because we are on septic). Do check your state for recommendations – the state of California, for example, discourages flushing cat poo and encourages disposal in the trash.

Last, but not least, thanks to the miraculous, concentrated power of corn, you can use less product and get better results. One small bag can last one cat more than 30 days.



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