How to Remove Crayon from WallsA couple months ago my daughter discovered her brother’s crayons.  More specifically she discovered his RED crayon.

Little red crayon made it’s way from my son’s room down our hallway, though our kitchen and into our dining room before I knew what had happened.

I don’t purchase specialty products that remove crayon from walls, so I thought I’d try my tried and true vinegar.  The question was how.

After much trial and error I ended up with these results.  Before & after (seen right).

It’s not perfect (if you look close you can tell the wall was wiped down in a few spots), but the crayon is gone and my walls aren’t all marked up like they use to get when I used more conventional products.

Here’s the tip:

Hot vinegar and baking soda!

Get out a microwave safe cup/bowl.  Pour in some vinegar, you don’t need too much.  Heat it up, but keep in mind that you will be handling it.

I pulled my hot vinegar from the microwave and headed to location where red crayon had taken over.  Once I was sat down to scrub I added a sprinkle of baking soda to give it some extra strength.  I grabbed my wash cloth and dabbed it into the hot vinegar solution.

I pressed the hot rag onto the crayon and then gave it a gentle scrub.  I find that circular motions work well.

That’s it!  It was all gone.  It didn’t take long to round up all of the dreaded red crayon spots.  I did have to reheat the vinegar before moving onto the next spot, but I’ll take that over new paint any day!

Good luck and if you have another eco-friendly solution to removing crayon (or other child mishaps) please feel free to share!

3 Responses

  1. I rubbed my Piccaso's work with a damp microfiber cloth and it came right off. Even on the spots that I didn't see until later in the week, just a rub with the microfiber cloth and it was gone!