We have three small children who are constantly growing out of their old clothes and into the next size up. Unlike some lucky people, we don’t have a source for hand me downs (that would be so amazing!) With three kids, clothing gets expensive and it seems like a bit of a waste since they seem to change sizes every 9 months or so. Buying second hand has long been a great option for parents of all budgets, it’s simply smart shopping, but who has the time?! Thanks to a new internet based company, everyone does!
ThredUp is a clothing swap website where you group items by size and stuff them as packed as you can into a flat rate box that is shipped to your door by the company. Once you’ve loaded up your box you simply list it with a general description of what’s in the box. Then all you have to do is wait. When someone selects your box you print a label right from the site and have your mail carrier pick it up the next day, all at no cost to you. Simple as that. In exchange for your box you will get the opportunity to pick a swap box, and if you have a box that is in high demand (low supply sizes) you can earn $2-$4 per box. When you pick your swap box the cost is $5 + shipping ($15.95 total)
I purchased my first box last week and I was so pleased to have 8 1/2 new outfits for her for under $2 a piece. You can’t beat that! L loved receiving a special box of clothes just for her, full of her favorite colors and lots of dresses. She was all too happy to show them off too!
While I was browsing boxes I saw everything from Nike shoes to books, dress clothes to gently used toys. If it fits in the box, you can be fairly certain that someone will be listing it. It’s not all for kids either! I’ve seen “mommy boxes” full of novels, candles, adult clothes, home decor and more.
Speaking of other things, there is a great Halloween swap coming up from September 15 to October 15. You’ll be able to list last year’s costumes and find some new ones without spending the high prices you see at the stores. Our children love costumes year round. We keep a tub of them in the closet and they are constantly playing dress up. This would be a great chance to swap for new ones.
I admit that I was a bit skeptical when I first signed up for ThredUp. The concept was great, but I wasn’t sure that I’d get quality items. It took a bit of browsing to find a box that sounded right for us, but I’m glad that I waited until I saw just the right box. I know that not every box will be amazing, but the average box contains 15 items and at $15.95 a box, that makes for some affordable clothing even if they aren’t Sunday bests. We’re very happy with our box and I am looking forward to shipping out a box soon and picking some more boxes for the kids!
If you’ve swapped with ThredUp I’d love to hear your experiences, and if not, head over, sign up and get $10 towards your first box. This is a limited time special offer, so act quickly!
I'm a ThreadUp member and love how it helps me live green!
I joined ThredUp and can't wait for my baby to be born so I know if I should be looking for boy or girl clothing! This is a great way to live green!
I heard about this before but never signed up till just now.. can def live green with this in the coming months when babys clothes are being outgrown in no time
TWEET http://twitter.com/#!/under_the_gun
We live green too! I just joined your blog and ThredUp. Informative post Thank you!
liked both of you on FB j29112000@yahoo.com
added your button to my blog http://crystals-health-corner.blogspot.com I have so many links… it's below them.
posted about it on FB https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=529553670
I posted on this facebook group
Follow your blog and joined ThredUp. berryblndgirl at yahoo dot com "Live Green"
*Like you on Facebook, The Eco-Friendly Family & ThredUP
*Follow EFFBlog & ThredUP and tweeted this giveaway! https://twitter.com/#!/berryblndgirl/status/104607596815712256
Your little one looks adorable in her new threds 🙂
since I don't belong to any message boards & don't have a tweeter account… Does posting this on different FB groups count? I'm new to giveaway rules, so I understand if this doesn't count
Thank you Samantha. Crystal, that absolutely counts, thanks for sharing!
https://twitter.com/#!/berryblndgirl/status/105085078492811264 berryblndgirl at yahoo dot com
http://twitter.com/#!/berryblndgirl/status/105319317104631808 berryblndgirl at yahoo dot com
http://twitter.com/#!/berryblndgirl/status/105598036977270787 berryblndgirl at yahoo dot com
I am already a member, I love it. reuse and Live Green! eaglesofrjack@gmail.com
like u both on facebook (mrstinareynolds eaglesforjack@gmail.com
follow both on twitter and tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/eaglesforjack/status/106031736135237632
http://twitter.com/#!/berryblndgirl/status/106178424279805952 berryblndgirl at yahoo dot com