Naturally Deodorize Your HomeKeeping a healthy home is important. We spend a great deal of time in our homes and , a company I have used for years, wants to help–which is why I’ve partnered with them in this series of Healthy Home articles.

As I mentioned in my last Healthy Home article, 6 Steps to Cleaner Indoor Air, traditional air freshening products typically contain a wide variety of toxins and irritants. In addition to being toxic, they really only mask odors, which is hardly helpful. Choosing natural methods can freshen your home without toxins, an some can actually help you clean the air too!

Natural Air Freshening Tips:

  1. Keep your heating & cooling system clean by regularly replacing the filter (at least every 3 months). This will cut down on the odors from dust and other things found in the air. Additionally, Filtrete makes an Odor Reduction Filter that contains activated carbon to remove odors from pets, smoke, cooking, mildew, cleaning chemicals, etc.
  2. Try using products like baking soda in place of “fragrances powders”. Baking soda can even be left in small, vented containers around your home to help absorb odors.
  3. Make DIY potpourri with dried herbs and flowers that you can grow yourself. Add quality essential oils to spice it up!
  4. Try placing citrus peels in a pot of water and heat to gently fill your home with a subtle fragrance from the natural oils. (Be sure to keep an eye on it, and never leave anything on the stovetop unattended.)
  5. Finally, one of my favorite DIY methods is to make your own air freshener (consider it a natural “Febreze”) – Simply mix up a spray bottle with water, a splash of vodka and your favorite essential oil. This concoction is great for the air, carpet, fabric covered furnishings, curtains and more.


Additionally, here are great tips from some of my favorite green-living bloggers!

This post has been sponsored by Filtrete. The content of this post is all my own thoughts, opinions and tips. I use Filtrete filters in my own home and was given the opportunity to work with them on a series of healthy home articles and am excited to be doing so! For more information about Filtrete filters, please visit their website and join them on Facebook & Twitter for tips, special savings and discounts.

9 Responses

  1. With two stinky dogs and a sensitive pregnant nose, these tips will definitely be put to use!
    I like to mix essential oils with baking soda and sprinkle it over my carpets before I vacuum to help with the odors.

  2. Great tips. I especially like the first tip … keeping our air filters clean is a great way to keep the air fresh. I also use baking soda … it works fabulously well! Here’s another tip … one can soak a cotton ball or piece of material with essential oils and then vacuum them up. As we vacuum the house, the beautiful essential oil fragrance refreshes the air.

  3. I love to boil lemons or oranges and vanilla in a small pan and around the holidays I boil oranges cranberries and cinnamon it smells so yummy!! I use baking soda, white vinegar and lemon juice to clean with also.

  4. this is great! definitly have tot try it out. i’ve got some lime and tangerine essential oils calling my name

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