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No-Sew T-Shirt Cloth Diaper Tutorial

New Sew DiaperNeed diapers? Emergency or no cash?

No problem!

I saw this method shared a while ago and had to do a video demo – it’s genius and oh-so-easy! Additionally, this is truly attainable for most any family. T-shirts can be found for next to nothing, or even free possibly from some organizations.

To make this easiest you’ll want a Snappi (or diaper pins) and a waterproof cloth diaper cover. These items should run about $15-20 max, and you may be able to find them cheaper elsewhere.

Another option is to buy used – you can even make your own cover from fleece or wool (buy something from a thrift shop and repurpose it!)

If you’re really in a pinch, you could forgo the Snappi and use large safety pins or even use a ribbon or scrap fabric to tie around baby’s waist like a belt.  Just be sure to keep it loose enough for comfort.

Wash them as you would any cloth diapers to increase absorbency.  My DIY recipe is very economical and can even be used on clothes (more $ savings!).

If where or how to wash is a problem (no machine or not allowed at facilities), there are multiple ways to simply hand-wash. Dirty Diaper Laundry has a wonderful bucket washer tutorial that should cost under $10 to make! Another option is the bathtub – just be sure to clean it when you’re done.

If any family reading this is in need of help, there is a great list of cloth diaper banks here, who may be able to help you.

Do you have other ideas?  I’d love to hear them!

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